Thursday, March 10, 2011


A good Scottish tan ...

From out of nowhere last night, it started slushing. Not raining or snowing but literally slush was falling from the sky. Slush makes one helluva noise when it hits the window. By morning the temperature had risen and a light rain greeted my bleary eyes. My cheap umbrella broke on the trip over but I noticed there was an umbrella stand at the door so no worries right? Superstitious by nature, I dared not open any of them inside and didn't really need to open it until I got to the corner.
I walk to work because it's fairly close and the houses along the route I take are quite charming. Fearing for the pretty good rock-a-billy do I had sculpted, I opened the umbrella.
If I was a seven-year-old little girl I'm sure I would have been delighted at the white child's umbrella in my hand, barely wide enough to cover my shoulders. Worried that I would be late, there was nothing to do but soldier on ...
The day stayed grey and damp, peppered with sudden gusts of wind. Denmark reminds me a bit of Scotland in this regard. Do you know what else Scots and Danes have in common?

So check this out: I went to the grocery store (actually to find a cheap ashtray, an article that has to date eluded me) and a 6-pack of Heineken was on special for 25Kr. If you read an earlier post of mine, you could quickly work out that this only comes to $5.  Of course I bought it, stop asking silly questions. It was the same price as a bag of chips! Oh, I also bought a bag of chips.

Godnat Canada!

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