Thanks to Ron L. for showing me this image.
Don't get me started ...
The Canadian government is based on the British Parliamentary system, but with longer lunches and vacations. Canadians are about to cast their vote (again) for a government that will (again) ignore the wishes of the populace and (again) end up with a minority that barely holds on to power. One of the bigger issues will be (I don't want to say again, again) spending. The Harper Government (as they have chosen to call themselves, ignoring the traditional moniker The Canadian Government) is currently under fire for ridiculous spending on the G8 summit and it's more expensive cousin, the G20. The excuse has been to "make Canada look like a player on the world stage" but sadly to its people it seems more like a crooked producer.
I could go on about every expense laid out for these events (example: The Olympic-size Hockey Arena in Huntsville that was never used for the summit, and never intended to be used but was paid for with summit money) but little seems more incredible than the man-made lake.
At a cost of almost $2 million dollars, this artificial lake was created for the media to showcase Canada's natural beauty while the world leaders were hundreds of miles away, by a lake. Canada has lots and lots of lakes, several of them are even considered Great. After this weekend was over, the plug was pulled and the water, along with Canadian tax money, went right down the drain. Another headline that year? Heathcare, education and public service cuts. We looked quite good, but were seriously ailing inside.
Guess who's NOT coming to dinner ...
Tonight in Canada is a debate amongst some of the party leaders. Not invited to the national debate is the Green Party of Canada. This decision was made by the broadcaster of the debate, the once renowned CBC. Is this because, in our heart of hearts, we know that the Green Party will never be elected to run the country in my lifetime? Then why is Gilles Duceppe invited? The Green Party has far more voters in Alberta than the Bloc Québecois, a party that in principle and practice cannot attain the position of Canadian government. Ontario once learned of the anguish of an NDP government, so they're out but Jack Layton will be there ...
The other two are the Devil you know and the Devil you've seen before. Their principle concern is the attainment and retention of power; little is achieved.
I promise I'll be wittier (read sillier and more irreverent) next time. I had to get it out of my system now.
P.S. My team won the bowling tournament!
Godt lykke Canada!
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